Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Anna-Maria's favourite film is ''Seven Pounds''!
  Seven Pounds is a 2008 film starring Will Smith.Will Smith's character is called Tim Thomas, who was writing a text message while driving and caused an accident in which seven people died, one of them being his fiancee, Sarah.
  From the guilt he feels about what he caused he sets out to save seven people's lives that needed physical help and were in danger. So he steals the identity of his brother who is an IRS agent and claimed to be just that in order to get information on people he thought really deserved a better life.He donates his lung lobe to his brother, a part of his liver to a social worker called Holly, a kidney to a man called George that is a junior hockey coach, a bone marrow to a young boy named Nicholas. Tim moves into a motel and gives the deed and keys to his beach house to an abused woman named Connie and her two children. Through his stolen IRS identity he finds two more candidates, Ezra Turner who is a blind meat salesman who loves playing the piano and Emily Posa who has a heart condition and rare blood condition. Tim falls in love with Emily and watches her condition worsen day by day so he decides to kill himself and makes sure a friend of his executes his wishes for Ezra and Emily to have his organs after he dies.
  Seven Pounds is a movie with deep meaning who you should all watch, it opens your mind to how your whole life can change in a split second and how you choose to evolve around something tragic and turn it into something that can save so many people's lives.
  The title "Seven Pounds" represents the seven people Tim killed, each weighing a pound on his head, "weighing" him down with guilt. A movie filled with profound emotions which all of us can connect too and a wonderful aspect of how beautiful we can all be on the inside. Seven Pounds based on a script by Grant Nieporte under Columbia Pictures.

Click here to see the trailer!

Sources: IMDB, Youtube.


  1. Hey Anna Maria,

    You've truly made an astonishing film review. It's quite informative, it gives to the reader a clear image of what to expect from the movie.I was surprised when I have read that Tim decided to sacrifice himself in order to save someone else's life. Did he do that, because he was still feeling extremely guilty, or because of his “true” love towards to Emily? What do you believe has outweighed his decision, guilt or love?

    I am looking forward to your response.

    Best wishes,
    Albert V.

  2. Hey Albert

    Thank you very much, i appreciate your kind words. As for Tim, i believe his decision was weighed down mostly by love than guilt. You see he did indeed feel very guilty for what he had down and that is why he decided to donate his organs which means that he planned on dieing at some point anyway in order to help others and get redeemed for his actions, this is the reason why he always took his jelly fish box with him wherever he went, the jelly fish was a crucial part of the way he had decided to die, but when he met and fell in love with Emily and saw how her condition became worse everyday he had no choice but to kill himself in order to save her.
    Lets not forget that in the car accident that Tim caused one of the people that died was his finacee...so he already lost his love once, so when he fell in love again, even under such tragic circumstances, he didnt want to loose his love again, he prefered to sacrifice himself than feel the guilt once again of watching someone you love dieing and doing nothing.

    Best wishes

  3. Hi Anna-Maria,

    I would like to say that I admire Will Smith so I should see this film. Anyway your plot-summary is vert interesting as well as the vocabulary which is quite straightforward and makes the reader want to read more. There is also a sturcture and that helps the story to 'roll' pleasantly. Nice job!

    Best wishes,

    1. Hi Gabriella

      Thank you very much for your kind words, i am glad my description was easy to read. I hope you enjoy it. It is one of my favourites.

      Best Wishes,

  4. Hi Anna-Maria,
    The movie you choose seams to be very interesting and i will definitely see it. I love Will Smith and i'm sure that is a very good movie. Your post is very persuative. You describe the plot very well you make the reader want to see the movie. You said that it has a deep meaning and i look forward to see what is.

    Best wishes,

    1. Hi Rafaella,

      Thank you very much for your comment on my movie post, i appreciate it and i am glad that i made you want to see it. Will Smith is a very good actor and i have to notice that he chooses the roles he plays very carefully but also very cleverly so when you see a movie that he has played for sure you will like it. I hope you watch it soon. Enjoy!

      Best Wishes,

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