Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Philippos favourite film: "Green Street Hooligans"

  ‘Green Street Hooligans’ is a 2005 English drama/crime movie directed by Lexi Alexander. The story tells us about Matt Bucker (Elijah Wood), an American college student who was studying journalism in Harvard University. Unfortunately for him just two months before his graduation he gets expelled not by his fault but due to the fact that his roommate set him up.
Therefore, Matt decides to visit his sister (Claire Forlani) that lives with her British husband (Marc Warren) and their newborn child.
   When Matt finally does arrive in London, he goes out on a football-only night with his brother-in-law's brother Pete (Charlie Hunnam). As Shannon and Steve (Marc Warren) were having a romantic dinner all alone, Pete used to hang out with various friends who are called "the Green Street Elite" and are passionate fans of the West Ham United football club.   
  Without even noticing, Matt began entering the malicious world of English hooliganism. Despite that our main actor is about to learn things that any university could not teach as he now learns how to fight, self-esteem and mainly he learns how to support his friends often defying the horrific consequences.
  To sum up, I would strongly recommend this movie to my classmates as it can be a really touching and teaching movie even for people who don’t share a passion for football. Finally this is a movie that reveals us that love and brotherhood that cannot be achieved without frightful costs.

 sources: 1)picture:
               3)details about the movie:


  1. Hello Philippe,

    The film sounds inspiring and I would really like to watch it. In the end you mention that the actions of Matt have terrifying consequences what do you mean by that? Also, does Matt gets to become a history teacher like he wanted or does he continue being in the G.S.E?

    Best wishes,

    1. Hello Christina,

      I would like to thank you for your comment on my movie post. As for the movie, Matt never wanted to become a history teacher, he just said that to Pete and the other guys because journalists were thought as persons that were giving inappropriate information about the G.S.E to the newspapers.As a result being a journalism was a very negative thing.

      Best wishes,
      Philippos Ioannou

  2. Hello Philippe,
    The film seems interesting and weird, too. Now, i am very curious to watch this film. Despite, you describe the film very well, i want to ask you, Matt couldn't prove his innocent to the University? He has only two months until the graduation. Also, did he manage to run away from hooliganism?

    Best wishes,

    1. Hello Ioanna,

      I would like to thank about your kind words for my film review. As for the movie now, Matt was basically afraid to stand against his roommate because he was the child of a very wealthy and noble family. Furthermore Matt s character until then was rather passive and as a result of this he wasn't able to contradict almost anyone. Now as for your second question i wouldn't like to answer it as i would spoil the ending of the movie:).

      Best wishes,


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